
Bol.com has stopped using API V3 as of October 1, 2021

What can you find here?

As frequently announced by Bol.com and Woosa, version 3 of the Bol.com Retailer API will no longer be available as of October 1, 2021. This means that the automatic connection between WooCommerce and the Bol.com sales platform will no longer work if you are still running on version 3 of the API. Do you update your Bol.com WooCommerce plugin regularly? In that case you won’t experience any hindrance from this. Are you not so fond of updates? Then you probably will.

What exactly does this mean for you?

Since version 1.5.0 of our Bol.com WooCommerce plugin, the plugin already supports API version 4 and no longer uses version 3. But how do you find out which version of our plugin you are using?

  • In your WordPress backend go to Plugins
  • Look for the plugin Woosa – bol.com for WooCommerce
  • You will see version x.x.x (see example below)

A version lower than 1.5.0

Did you find out that you have installed a lower version than 1.5.0? Then it is necessary that you update it, as soon as possible. Since this version was released on June 1, 2021, a manual update is necessary. In the meantime we are already on version 1.5.7.

  • Log in to your account via our website
  • Go to Licenses
  • Click on Bol.com to download the latest version of the plugin
  • Go to your WordPress backend
  • Go to Plugins
  • Click on Add new in the upper left corner
  • Click on Upload Plugin in the upper left corner
  • Select the plugin you just downloaded from your Woosa account

You will be asked if you want to replace the existing bol.com folder with the new upload. You can do this without any worries. Your configuration, settings and accounts will remain the same. You will probably have to get used to the new features, since each version brings an improvement. The update may mean that you see new features, which you did not have before.

Need help?

Are you stuck with updating your Bol.com WooCommerce plugin? Woosa is always there for you  via our support.

Good luck and keep updating our WooCommerce plugins regularly!

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How to create a WooCommerce store

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