5 Best CRM for WooCommerce in 2023

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To start an online business, you need to use an E-commerce platform. Do you want to start your own dropshipping business? Then WooCommerce is the best E-commerce platform you can use for your business. This platform is free to use and, in addition, it has all kinds of extensions for you to install. Want to take your dropshipping business to the next level? That too is possible with the help of WooCommerce. WooCommerce has the right plugins for every dropship business.

Although WooCommerce does not have a CRM system by default, it is important to integrate such a system into your business. The abbreviation ‘CRM’ stands for Customer Relationship Management. This is how you, as a business owner, relate and interact with your customers. The right CRM for WooCommerce systems are available for every kind of business – so for dropshipping businesses too.

What exactly is CRM?

In fact, you could say that everything you do as a business owner when interacting with your customers is part of CRM. Things like managing contacts, tracking orders, individual customer purchase histories and sending e-mails. A CRM system can capture all your customers’ important information so that you can better understand your customers. You can then capitalise on this, for example, by coming up with fun discount offers, presenting a tailor-made offer, etc.

In short, a CRM system is an online software programme that you can integrate into your online shop that then allows you to:

  • gather information about customers
  • create customer profiles
  • keep track of what customers buy
  • keep track of what customers spend
  • track which products customers view
  • keep track of whether there are many ‘abandoned shopping carts’. Abandoned shopping carts are actually unfinished orders. Are there many of these? Then the challenge is to respond to this, intelligently. For instance, through e-mail marketing.

You can use all this data to give your customers the best possible customer experience.

Best CRM for WooCommerce

1. Woosa CRM for WooCommerce – Best for Teamleader

Woosa CRM for WooCommerce - Best for Teamleader

Do you run your own WooCommerce online shop and would like to integrate a CRM plugin? Then Teamleader is the plugin you need. After all, this plugin will turn your dropshipping business into a reliable online shop. Of course, integrating this plugin alone is not enough. As a dropshipper, you will have to put in some effort yourself.

Teamleader is a WooCommerce CRM system. Using this tool, you can oversee the project management, customer management and invoicing of your online business with one tool. Using this CRM system, you can save a lot of time and avoid mistakes. In fact, Teamleader is a customised software plugin that helps you take your online business to the next level.

Using Teamleader, among other things, you can:

  • Easily add invoices and deals. Indeed, using Teamleader, you can automatically create invoices from orders in your WooCommerce webshop.
  • Synchronise Teamleader with your WooCommerce online shop to make running your online business a lot easier.

Teamleader can therefore be a godsend for running your online business. As an entrepreneur, you choose peace of mind when you decide to integrate a CRM system into your webshop. Teamleader is by far one of the most widely used CRM systems in Europe, and for good reason. Would you like to experience for yourself what it is like to use your WooCommerce webshop in combination with Teamleader? Then Woosa offers you a free 14-day trial period. If you decide to cancel the agreement within the trial period, then you don’t have to pay anything. So you don’t have to decide right away.

2. Sendinblue – best CRM tool for email marketing

Sendinblue - best CRM tool for email marketing

Sendinblue is a plugin that allows you, as a dropshipper, to build relationships with your customers using email marketing. Using this plugin, you can launch email campaigns, send transactional emails to your customers and send text messages. If you want to use email marketing for your online dropship business, this is the plugin you need.

Sendinblue’s tool includes a sales and marketing CRM system. The big advantage of Sendinblue is that when you type an e-mail using this tool, you immediately see what the e-mail will look like. You can choose from more than 65 different templates. What you see is what you get! Do you want to do something with e-mail marketing? Then this CRM should definitely be included in your online business.

3. Jetpack CRM

Jetpack CRM

Are you wanting to expand your online shop? Then Jetpack CRM provides you with everything you need to do so. Jetpack is a new customer relationship management system developed specifically for WordPress websites. So therefore, also perfect for a WooCommerce dropship business. In fact, WooCommerce is a webshop plugin for WordPress. WooCommerce was once developed as a simple plugin but has since developed into a huge community. Using the Jetpack CRM system, you can expand an online business, and do business in a more efficient way.

Indeed, using this tool, you can manage important customer data and effectively get in touch with leads and customers. In addition, this tool also gives you an immediate opportunity to save time and money on your business administration, thus creating a real win-win situation. With the help of this tool, you will expand your online shop without it costing you extra time.

4. Agile CRM

Agile CRM

The Agile CRM is an all-in-one system. Using this tool, you can automate sales in your online shop, as well as manage the marketing and customer service of your online business. Agile is a widely-used and popular tool for businesses to automate their marketing, service and sales in one consistent place.


As your online business grows, more orders will be placed through your webshop. This means you will also increasingly have to deal with customer data, product data and order data. Not managing this data in the right way can lead to negative customer experiences. If you opt for the Agile CRM product, then all the important data you need will be sorted automatically. So using Agile will make running a dropship business a lot easier.

5. HubSpot for WooCommerce

HubSpot for WooCommerce

HubSpot for WooCommerce is a free platform that lets you take your online business to the next level. When you synchronise your WooCommerce online shop with the HubSpot tool, you benefit from a completely free CRM system. HubSpot provides you with everything you need regarding marketing, sales and customer service for your dropship business. HubSpot for WooCommerce’s features include:


  • access to comprehensive customer profiles
  • the ability to monitor ‘abandoned shopping carts’ so that you can send follow-up emails to those visitors on your website to whom this applies
  • the ability to deploy e-mail marketing and automate the marketing of your online business.
  • easy creation and management of social media ads
  • making an e-commerce analysis

So HubSpot for WooCommerce is an excellent CRM when you want to take your dropship business to the next level.

Everyone should use a WooCommerce CRM system

Running an online business involves a lot. So does running a webshop. Among other things, you have to keep an eye on the competition, reach your target group, constantly look for new opportunities, promote special offers, etc. If you don’t have a dropship business, managing the product stock and taking care of the shipment of the ordered products is another matter. A CRM system can help you with this by:

Managing customer relations

Do you have customers who regularly place orders in your online shop? Then you can organise these customers into a category and label them “regular customers”. Do you have customers who place a single order but then don’t return? Then you can categorise these customers as “leads”. By differentiating between your customers, you can make offers to regular customers so that they are rewarded when they make purchases from your shop more often. It also allows you to win back customers who haven’t bought anything from your shop for a while.

Tracking interactions

Your online business may be so big that you even employ staff. Perhaps you outsource your online shop’s customer service to an external company. In this latter case especially, it is important that customer interactions are recorded. If a customer has contacted your company’s customer service department several times and keeps getting sent from pillar to post, this will not give them a positive customer experience. In addition, by tracking interactions, you can also offer a more tailored service.

Creating opportunities

By having customer data, you create opportunities. You will have the opportunity to grow as an online entrepreneur. By integrating a CRM system into your business, it will become clear who your target group is and where they are. It could be that you sell a certain brand of baby clothes and you are under the impression that these clothes are often bought by women between 30 and 35 years old, while in reality it turns out that men between 35 and 40 years old are buying them In short: by accurately monitoring your customer data, you can create a greater reach to your target group, which may increase your sales.

Why should you integrate a WooCommerce CRM system into your dropshipping business?

Why should you integrate a WooCommerce CRM system into your dropshipping business?

Even as a dropshipper, it is important to interact and relate with your customers in a professional manner. Using a CRM WooCommerce integration plugin will contribute to the reliability of your online business. Starting a dropshipping business is something almost anyone can do, but making sure your webshop is reliable is a bit more complicated. You need the right plugins for this. You may even come across websites that advise people against buying products from dropshipping companies. This is a bit short-sighted as there are enough dropshippers out there who are trying to set up a good and reliable business.

The webshop of a good and reliable dropshipper will not look like a random dropship business. A good and reliable webshop will include:

  • sufficient contact opportunities
  • more than enough payment methods

By choosing a WooCommerce CRM integration plugin, you can easily integrate things like this into your online business. Integrating such a plugin into your WooCommerce webshop is no unnecessary luxury, even for a drop shipper. With the help of a CRM plugin you will get the opportunity to:

  • view statistics. You will be able to see exactly how much each customer spends on average in your webshop. In addition, you can also see exactly what specific customers order.
  • maintain contact with your customers. Using a CRM system, you can e-mail your customers, for example.
  • tag transactions

In short: for both you, as a dropshipper, and your customers, it is important to integrate a WordPress CRM for WooCommerce plugin into your business.

Ready, Set, Launch! Enroll in Woocademy’s 7-Day Challenge for a Quick WooCommerce Dropshipping Store Setup.

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How to create a WooCommerce store

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