
Split WordPress posts into multiple pages with pagination

What can you find here?

Curious how to split WordPress posts into multiple pages with pagination? Luckily WordPress has a default functionality for this and in this blog post we are going to explain how it works.

Split WordPress posts

Like I said in the introduction of this blog post, WordPress covers the split functionality by default by using the following HTML code: <!--nextpage-->. Before you can start implementing this in your WordPress post, you need to go to the HTML editor within the post in the backend of WordPress.

You can do this by clicking on the tab Text right above as stated below in the screenshot.

Add the HTML code <!--nextpage--> on the position you would like to split the blog post.

Pagination in WordPress posts

After you have saved the post including the above HTML code, pagination will appear on that position as in the screenshot below.

If you are handy with CSS, you can even design the pagination buttons afterwards to the desired design.


Short but straightforward, on how to implement split WordPress blog posts.

Generate multiple WordPress posts in once

Last but not least, Woosa has developed together with Nowweb a SEO Page Generator. This applies mainly to blog posts and works with placeholders. You can also apply the multiple page HTML code in these blog posts.

Besides the SEO Page Generator supports you with improving your SEO position in Google and other search engines. If you ask us, no hassle but very effective.

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